PANICd - Paranormal Database PANICd - Paranormal Database
The Alamo
The Alamo
PANICd#: 1056
PANICd#: 1056
San Antonio, TX - The viceroy of Mexico authorized a mission in 1716, but it was not until 1744 that the first stones of the present Alamo were laid.

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Database Statistics

Curent Locations:  493 / 980
Current Histories:  647
Current Stories:  621
Current Claims:  2,478
Current Evidence:  155
Current Resources:  2,103
Main Page Hits:  707,946
Locations Served:  3,495,192

PARAPEDIA Statistics

Total Records:: 1,125
Total Articles: 81
Total Collections: 31
Total Factoids: 455
Total External Links: 110
Total Locations: 131
Total Photos: 3,256
Pages Served: 4,181,009
Searches Made: 3,336
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