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D.B. Cooper

Definition: The story of the mysterious disappearance of D.B. Cooper.

In what many consider one of the most bizarre events in aviation and criminal history, a man calling himself D.B. Cooper skyjacked a Boeing 727 over Washington State and, after collecting a ransom of $200,000 from authorities, jumped from the rear stairs of the plane from an altitude of 10,000 - feet, never to be seen again. This is made-to-order stuff for conspiracy buffs, who came up with all sorts of scenarios - not to mention alleged suspects - about who the mysterious man was and what became of him. The mystery appeared destined to remain unsolved until a boy playing on the banks of the Columbia River in 1980 found a stack of decaying bills later confirmed to have been part of Cooper's ransom, suggesting that the man probably didn't survive the plunge after all. It was only a small part of the ransom (about $5,000), allowing the faithful to ask what became of the rest of it - and of the man who almost got away with the perfect crime.


Mysterious Disappearances
db#646 - 66