Parapedia Random Article Collections Ghost Reports Location Database Our Haunted Travels

Welcome to the Parapedia!

Parapedia - Encyclopedia of the Paranormal, Bizarre, Mysterious, & the Unexplained

The Parapedia will serve as an on-line resource for any type of information that is paranormal related in nature. It will house definitions, photos, videos, external links and articles on just about any topic that is bizarre, mysterious, or unexplained.

THIS DATABASE/ENCYCLOPEDIA WILL NEVER BE FINISHED, as we research the paranormal, will will be adding our findings to this database. This is a labor of love for the entire staff and we will always be looking for new information to contribute.

Here is how it works: You can browse definitions, articles, and external links by clicking on a letter at the top. You can also search the entire database using our search engine, or you can browse by our grouping of collections to the left.

About the search: The search will look through the titles and definitions for each database entry and display the results based on your search keywords in alphabetical order by title.

About the collections: The collections are put together grouping different entries for topic areas. As we add elements to form a collection, we will create a collection listing that will appear on the front page to the left. Collections will contain multiple elements based on the same topic area.

Ghost Reports YouTube Shorts:This section of the database is focused on the information and research behind the production of the Ghost Report shorts that are produced and uploading on the - Our Haunted Travels YouTube Channel. You can find out more information about these paranormal Reports right here on Parapedia.


Total Records: 1,136
Total Articles: 70
Total Collections: 32
Total Factoids: 439
Total External Links: 110
Total Locations: 131
Total Videos: 13
Total Ghost Reports: 26
Total Photos: 3,276
Pages Served: 4,220,777
Searches Made: 3,426

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