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Twin City Opera House

Twin City Opera House paranormal

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Location submitted by: sdonley on 04/14/2014
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PANICd#: 1328

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The Twin City Opera House still has plenty of mysteries left to unravel. Perhaps you will encounter Everett Miller the usher there for 30 years who still watches over the opera house and has been contacted and seen numerous times during investigations.

15 West Main Street
McConnelsville , OH 43756
Open to the public: Yes

Lat: 39.648998
Lon: -81.85349200000001

Database Summary:

Demographic Rank: 5
History: 1
Stories: 2
Claims: 10
Evidence: 0
Resources: 1
Retrievals: 10799
Vistor Rating: 5.0
Votes: 2

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History information is some background and history about the location. This is meant to be a basic summary. Below the history records you will find sources in which you can click on to find out more information. There may be multiple history records per location.


In order to understand the history of an entity as important as the Opera House, we should understand the culture in which was it was created. The doors of the Opera House Theater opened to the public in 1892, but the building really had its beginnings several years earlier.

In the mid-1800s Morgan County was flourishing. By 1850 the population had grown to nearly 30,000. (Today it is less than 15,000.) Present day ghost towns like Santoy and Rosseau still bustled with activity. Several railroad lines crisscrossed the county. River boats moved freight, commodities, and people along the Muskingum. Showboats made regular visits to the banks of the river. McConnelsville was a vibrant county seat, and along with neighboring Malta, housed dozens of flourishing businesses. Mills, factories, hotels, restaurants, and retailers of every description provided ready employment and the chance for an urbane lifestyle. Morgan County had a desire for leisure pursuits, and for more cultured forms of entertainment.

Political Battling

By the end of the 1880s, a majority of the McConnelsville council thought the town needed a more suitable place to house the village government. So a controversial and protracted process of building a new town hall began. It was a politically charged issue that was reported through the filters of the two partisan newspapers - The Morgan County Democrat and The McConnelsville Herald. The first disagreement centered on the make up of the building committee. The democratic majority of the town council demanded that the committee be comprised of democrat business leaders from the community. The mayor and the remainder of the republican minority council members were opposed to building the town hall and opera house. For nearly a year, the council was in a stalemate. Neither side could garner the majority votes required to ratify the building committee. In October 1889, the democratic majority exploited an opportunity to move the project forward. The council's democrat president, acting for the mayor in his absence, called for a vote. Without the mayor's vote, the tie was broken, and the committee was approved. A month later, the Morgan County courts upheld the legality of the appointments.

The building committee for the town hall and opera house was composed of George Donahue, Worly Adams, and W. C. Conklin. A second issue that had to be resolved was the securing of a suitable location for a structure as significant as the town hall for the county seat. As it happened an ideal spot was available. It was in the very heart of McConnelsville, in what the newspapers called the "burned district." (Editor's note: The story has persisted since at least the 1960s that the Opera House is built on the foundation of the Brewster or Brewester Hotel. The first reference we can find to the Brewster Hotel is in a pamphlet history of the theater, probably printed in the mid 1960s. The author provided no citations or references to the source the information. An exhaustive search of real estate records reveals no such entry. No references to a Brewster Hotel are found in any county business almanacs or atlases. No account of a fire in a Brewster Hotel can be found in any of the newspapers. Even though photographs or engravings depicting all of the other three corners of the square exist, none of the northwest corner has been located. Strangely, very little information exists about what occupied this prominent spot.) In 1889, the town council initiated a series of transactions through which they ultimately acquired lots 31 and 32 on the northwest corner of the public square. They immediately recommended proceedings to condemn enough the "burned district" to construct a town hall. The property was purchased for $4000. In reporting on the story, the republican editor of the McConnelsville Herald declared that the property was only worth half that amount.


The council employed H. C. Lindsay, an architect from Zanesville to prepare plans for the New Town Hall and Opera House. The building was to be three stories high, and cost about $16,000. The Town Hall would have a tower that would rise 108 feet above the sidewalks of McConnelsville. The third floor would feature a grand ballroom running the complete 63-foot width of the building. Ground was broken for the project on Monday, October 20, 1889. Some of Mr. Lindsay's design principles were considered quite revolutionary. The Opera House's ground floor auditorium was uncommon in the late 1800s, and it is one of the last remaining theaters of its period with that feature. The stage floor is "raked" or sloped by 3 degrees, to allow the audience's front rows to see the performers' feet. Any further back, people would need extra good sight to see the actor's or small costume details. If there was Denver LASIK back then, that could have been of help as well. Although, the smart stage planning made it unnessesary.

The auditorium's central "echo dome" contributes to the theater's nearly perfect acoustics. Lines spoken from the rear of the stage can be heard perfectly throughout the room. The second floor would house the offices for the town government. The original plans for the Opera House tower included a clock. But as the project began to run over budget, that plan had to be abandoned. And for one last time, partisan politics entered the project. The town council had requested funding from the state legislature to complete the town hall. According to newspaper accounts, a republican contingent rushed to the statehouse and convinced the assembly that the democrat council was squandering money on the building. No more funds were approved for the McConnelsville Town Hall, and no clock was ever installed. Nearly two and one half years after ground was broken, the Town Hall and Opera House were completed. Because it had been such a politically charged issue, the republican editor of the McConnelsville Herald commented one last time on the project upon its completion. He stated that "the owl" would be keeping an eye on the democrat council. Before the GOP adopted the elephant as its symbol in the twentieth century, the party had sometimes used the owl as its mascot. That owl still adorns the keystone in the archway over the Opera House doors.

Grand Opening

The formal opening was held Saturday, May 28, 1892. The opening was to be a grand affair. The program for the evening was the Arion Opera Company's performance of Gilbert and Sullivan's "The Mikado." The cast, crew and orchestra numbered nearly one hundred. All of the eight hundred seats that were then available in the auditorium were sold. Railway excursions had been arranged from neighboring towns to bring the cultured and the curious. Many of the ticket holders were not so much patrons of the opera, but curiosity seekers eager to see what the newspapers described as the "light of the day." The Opera House was the first building in the county to be lit by the electric light. And so its grand opening was to be even more significant and spectacular. But fate held an ironic twist. The local generating plant failed. The theater was plunged into darkness, and it took a great deal of last minute effort to secure enough lamps to illuminate the hall. Before that was accomplished however, many visitors had turned and headed back to their homes. So, the opening was not as grand as hoped. The newspapers reported that although the crowd was small, they were treated to a spectacular performance. Since the electricity was deemed unreliable, it was decided to go back and complete the installation of the gas and oil fixtures, which had been called for in the original plans. Gas footlights were installed on the stage. A gas chandelier was hung in the dome, and could be lit through small ports that were cut into the dome's perimeter.

Live Performances Over the years, the Opera House has accommodated an endless variety of performers and celebrities. Fire and brimstone evangelist Reverend Billy Sunday, William Jennings Bryan, and Senator Albert Beveridge spoke here. High School commencements and local minstrel shows were staged here. But, most spectacular were the traveling shows. Often arriving by train, the traveling shows brought lavish productions to McConnelsville. Specially constructed doors at the rear of the stage allowed the loading and rigging of the enormous backdrops. Set pieces over twenty feet tall could be slid in through the narrow doors. Trap doors were cut into the stage floor, so that as soon as the curtains closed, the doors opened and the actors dropped down a wooden slide to the dressing rooms below. This made the quick costume changes possible. The frameworks for those trap doors are still visible under the stage. Also under the stage is the dramatic evidence of a potentially disastrous fire that occurred in the early 1900s. The ash pit for the coal furnace sat directly beneath the stage. The furnace had been cleaned and re-stoked for a play, so the pit was filled with still hot ash as the performance began. While the play was in progress, the heat from the ashes ignited the joists supporting the stage. The curtain was dropped and the orchestra in the pit began to play. The fire brigade coming in through the stage door, extinguished the blaze, but not before a large hole was burned through the stage floor. The local stories are that the performance continued on half of the stage, and the Opera House narrowly avoided a tragedy. The basement of the Opera House hides other curiosities. The fan-shaped arrangements of the sloping joists beneath the auditorium were considered ingenious when the architect, Mr. Lindsay, designed them.

The Tunnel

Perhaps nothing in the theater is more interesting, or mysterious, than its tunnels. For generations, the story has been told that the tunnels were once used to conceal the movements of escaped slaves, who were fleeing the south. They were said to have linked the building that once stood on the Opera House foundation to other locations in the village, and ultimately to the banks of the Muskingum River. After the theater was constructed, the tunnel leading across Main Street (then Center Street) to the Kennebec Hotel was used by performers in traveling to and from their rooms. Now, only the entrance is visible. The tunnel was filled in during the 1930s, out of a concern that the increasingly heavy traffic would cause a collapse. Any evidence that this site was a station on the Underground Railroad is inconclusive. Strangely, very little information exists about this prominent spot on the village square during the Civil War. The Opera House has many secrets, and is reluctant to give them up. In the late 1980s, while doing electrical renovations, workers discovered a hidden stairway leading from the second floor mezzanine to the village offices on the first floor below. How long that stairway had been hidden is uncertain. There was no indication that it existed before its 1980s discovery, and no one in the village could recall any mention of it.


In 1913 the theater was outfitted with a permanent system for showing silent films. A projection booth was partitioned off in the back of the balcony or "gallery" as it was known then, and a screen was added to the stage. The best seats in the house were those in the "Parquet Circle," which are those in the front rows of the center section on the ground floor. These premium seats could cost, as much as 20 cents, while those in the "peanut gallery" were a nickel. The first sound pictures came to the Opera House in 1930, using the RCA photophone system. This cumbersome system involved synchronizing 78-RPM records with the film. The true "talkies" did not arrive in McConnelsville until 1936. The only time in its history that the Opera House briefly closed its doors to the public was for the installation of the sound projectors and the renovation of the auditorium. It was at that time the old projection booth was removed from the balcony, and the present booth was created above the second floor mezzanine, and behind the balcony. The theater continues to screen recently released films, as it has done nearly every weekend since 1936. The Opera House Theater's auditorium was dedicated "Birch Hall," in honor and memory of, MacDonald Birch Magician. Birch was a Morgan County native and frequently entertained his hometown friends and relatives at the Opera House, when he was not traveling the globe and entertaining before "the crowned heads" of the world. And, what would a hundred-ten-year old theater be without its resident spirits? At the Opera House, stories have persisted for over four decades about its apparition.

Added by: sdonley on 04/14/2014 DB#:182


Stories are just that. Stories and personal accounts that have been reported about the location.

Ghost sightings and paranormal activity at the opera house has been reported as far back as the 60's when the ghost of Everett Miller an Usher there for 30 years was seen by 18 youths in the auditorium. Custodians and other employees have sometimes quit over personal experiences in the opera house and even today many of them are reluctant to go into certain areas of the opera house by themselves. One previous owner of the opera house, who lived there for a couple years actually ran out of the building after his encounter with the Lady in White on the stage, leaving the doors wide open to the night.

Added by: sdonley on 04/14/2014 DB#:1134

On January 23rd, 2010 a paranormal group from Cleveland (Shadow Seekers) had an investigation at the Opera House that left them in total awe. A camera was smacked out of an investigators hand in the basement causing it to break when it hit the ground and at the same exact time their camcorder went dead. They also captured a photograph of the notorious Black Mass in the basement. In the catwalk they set up a table with candy for Elizabeth and a glass of Red Wine for Robert. One of their members, veteran police officer from Cleveland cleaned the glass free of any fingerprints and sprinkled powder on the table all around the candy for Elizabeth. When they later returned to the catwalk they were astonished, there were a child's fingerprints in the powder. They were even more astonished when they seen an adult sized fingerprint on the wine glass. There was absolutely no one in the catwalk between the times when these trigger devices were set up and when they went back to check on them. The catwalk also produced an overwhelming amount of EMF sessions. The K2 meters responding to questions, pegging into the red lights. An investigator had her pant leg pulled on and a second time on command, which also videoed.

The balcony of the auditorium was also very active. Investigators were having EMF Meters that were going crazy, which is very odd for the balcony area. An Investigator was seated when he felt a severe chill come over his arm and at that very moment the seat beside him slowly went down as if someone was setting down beside him, but there was nobody there. It also appeared as Everett Miller the long time Usher of the Opera House was working overtime on this evening. Investigators felt as if someone was following them around the auditorium, up the steps to the balcony and in the balcony. They would get sudden cold spots then verified by substantial EMF readings.

Prior to their investigation, 4 COGS members were watching a preview of their new movie premiere in the auditorium, but no one was back there at all. A few minutes after that incident another Investigator had a severe cold chill go through his left arm for a very brief moment. Approximately 15 minutes after the second incident a third Investigator went to the projection room to have the volume adjusted for the movie. When he left the booth and entered the balcony he noticed an apparition of a man setting right next to him in one of the seats. When he turned to get a better look it was gone. He then looked over at the end of that isle and seen another apparition setting there for a brief moment and it suddenly vanished too.

At the end of the Shadow Seekers investigation when two Investigators were locking and closing up the building they observed a large white ball of light go across the movie screen and then dissipate. They decided to set there for a few more minutes and the stage became brighter once again. To close, this was a very active evening for even The Most Haunted Location in Ohio, The Twin City Opera House. The Phantoms of the Twin City Opera House. Just a few minutes into the preview a COGS Investigator noticed the curtain to the left of the movie screen being pulled back in the corner as if someone was peeking out into the auditorium.

Added by: sdonley on 04/14/2014 DB#:1135

Paranormal Claims

Here are the paranormal claims for this location. These have been found through Internet research, reports from members, or reports from personal interviews. To add a claim, please contact, and we will review and add your information.

Claim # Added Added By Claim
1785 04/14/2014 sdonley A little girl named Elizabeth has been heard playing on the catwalk.
1786 04/14/2014 sdonley The apparition of Elizabeth has been seen on the catwalk.
1787 04/14/2014 sdonley Elizabeth has whispered her age into investigator's ears.
1788 04/14/2014 sdonley Footsteps have been recorded on the catwalk.
1789 04/14/2014 sdonley Cold spots have been recorded on the catwalk.
1790 04/14/2014 sdonley The vision of a lady in white has been seen walking across the stage and up the stairs.
1791 04/14/2014 sdonley Investigators cameras have been moved, shut-off, and manipulated.
1792 04/14/2014 sdonley Shadow figures and black masses have been seen and caught on camera in the basement area.
1793 04/14/2014 sdonley Loud running footsteps have been heard coming down the balcony steps.
1794 04/14/2014 sdonley Music, singing, piano notes and other old time jingles have been heard in the opera house by many different people coming from no where.

Paranormal Evidence

Paranormal evidence is based on claims that have been reported for this location. There can be several types of evidence; however, we have grouped them based on media type for better organization. Here you will find evidence that are logs, audio, video, or photographic.

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No Evidence Reported Yet!

Additional Resources

This is a collection of Internet resources for this location. This section will house links to other websites that contain information related to history, claims, investigations, or even the location's website.

Discover historic opera house, charming museums in McConnelsville, Ohio
Added: 04/14/2014 By: sdonley
A great article about the opera house and McConnelsville.

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