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Lemp Mansion

Lemp Mansion paranormal

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Location submitted by: whougonnacall on 10/12/2012
DBA Approved: Y

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PANICd#: 1253

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An old mansion that was the site of several suicides.

3322 Demenil Place
St. Louis , MO 63118
Phone: (314) 664-8024
Open to the public: Yes

Lat: 38.5931793
Lon: -90.21588700000001

Database Summary:

Demographic Rank: 6
History: 1
Stories: 1
Claims: 4
Evidence: 0
Resources: 0
Retrievals: 7323
Vistor Rating: 0.0
Votes: 0

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History information is some background and history about the location. This is meant to be a basic summary. Below the history records you will find sources in which you can click on to find out more information. There may be multiple history records per location.

The house was built in 1868 by St. Louisian Jacob Feickert. William J. Lemp and his wife, Julia, moved into the mansion in 1876. In 1911, the house underwent major renovations including conversion of some space into offices for the Lemp Brewery. The Lemps lived in the house until 1949 when Charles Lemp committed suicide.

In 1950, the mansion became a boarding house; throughout the next decade, it lost much of its ornate charm. The construction of Interstate 55 during the 1960s led to the destruction of much of the grounds and one of the carriage houses.

The Lemp Mansion is currently a restaurant and inn owned by the Pointer family; tours both historical and haunted are offered, and it is a venue for murder mystery dinner theatre and Halloween parties.

Added by: lmizenko on 01/29/2015 DB#:198


Stories are just that. Stories and personal accounts that have been reported about the location.

Said to be one of the ten most haunted places in America, the Lemp Mansion in St. Louis, Missouri, continues to play host to the tragic Lemp family. Over the years, the mansion was transformed from the stately home of millionaires, to office space, decaying into a run-down boarding house, and finally restored to its current state as a fine dinner theatre, restaurant and bed and breakfast.

Since the restaurant opened, staff members have reported several strange experiences. Again, apparitions appear and then quickly vanish, voices and sounds come from nowhere, and glasses will often lift off the bar flying through the air by themselves. On other occasions, doors are said to lock and unlock by themselves, lights inexplicably turn on and off of their own free will, and the piano bar often plays when no one is near.

Said to be haunted by several members of the Lemp family, there are three areas of the old mansion that have the most activity -- the stairway, the attic, and what the staff refers to as, the "Gates of Hell" in the basement. It is this area of the basement that used to be the entrance to the caves running below the mansion and the brewery.

The attic is said to be haunted by William, Jr's illegitimate son, referred to only as the "Monkey Face Boy." This poor soul, born with Down's Syndrome, spent his entire life locked in the attic of the Lemp Mansion. Strange occurrences are often witnessed on this third floor level of the mansion. The face of the boy has regularly been seen from the street peeking from the small windows of the mansion. Ghost investigators have often left toys in the middle of his room, drawing a circle around them to see if the objects have been moved. Consistently, when they return the next day, the toys are found in another location.

In the downstairs women's bathroom, which was once William, Jr's personal domain and held the first free standing shower in St. Louis, many women have reported a man peeking over the stall. On one such occasion, a woman emerged from the bathroom, returning to the bar and and stated to the two men she was there with: "I hope you got an eyeful!" However, the two men quickly denied ever having left the bar, for which the bartender verified. This ghost is said to be that of the womanizing William Jr. In William Lemp, Sr's room, guests have often reported hearing someone running up the stairs and kicking at the door. When William killed himself, William Jr was known to have ran up the stairs to his father's room and finding it locked began to kick the door in to get to his father.

Several years ago a part time tour guide reported hearing the sounds of horses outside the the room where William Lemp, Sr had kept his office. However, when the tour guide looked through the window, nothing was there. This area, north of the mansion and now used as a parking lot, was once utilized as a tethering lot for horses.

Added by: lmizenko on 01/29/2015 DB#:1152

Paranormal Claims

Here are the paranormal claims for this location. These have been found through Internet research, reports from members, or reports from personal interviews. To add a claim, please contact, and we will review and add your information.

Claim # Added Added By Claim
1881 01/29/2015 lmizenko Glasses flying off the bar.
1882 01/29/2015 lmizenko Strange sounds heard in the building.
1883 01/29/2015 lmizenko "Monkey face boy" shows himself in the attic.
1884 01/29/2015 lmizenko Apparition of the "Lavender Lady".

Paranormal Evidence

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Additional Resources

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