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Kent State Trumbull Campus

Kent State Trumbull Campus paranormal

Location submitted by: whougonnacall on 01/19/2011
DBA Approved: Y

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PANICd#: 1051

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In 1954, Kent State University initiated a cadet program to help the community overcome a critical shortage of elementary teachers. Until the Fall of 1965, the University offered an evening program at Warren G. Harding High School, known as the Warren Aca

4314 Mahoning Ave NW
Warren , OH 44483
Phone: (330) 847-0571
Open to the public: Yes

Lat: 41.277887
Lon: -80.837727

Database Summary:

Demographic Rank: 6
History: 1
Stories: 3
Claims: 3
Evidence: 0
Resources: 6
Retrievals: 12783
Vistor Rating: 4.0
Votes: 1

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History information is some background and history about the location. This is meant to be a basic summary. Below the history records you will find sources in which you can click on to find out more information. There may be multiple history records per location.

In 1954, Kent State University initiated a cadet program to help the community overcome a critical shortage of elementary teachers. Until the Fall of 1965, the University offered an evening program at Warren G. Harding High School, known as the Warren Academic Center.

By 1965, this operation had been expanded to include many courses other than those required by prospective teachers. The Warren Academic Center was granted campus status by the legislature in 1965, and became the Trumbull Campus of Kent State University.
In December of 1966, the Trumbull County Commissioners offered to deed a 134.7 acre site to the University for a branch campus. By June of 1968, preliminary plans for a new campus facility were approved by the State, and completion of the building was targeted for 1970. With almost 800 students enrolled, the campus continued to operate in 1969 and 1970 in four leased facilities in Warren. The Fall of 1970 saw classes begin in the long-awaited facility, with approximately 1025 students, and high hopes for the future.
Seeing a need to meet the growing technical training needs for business and industry, the Trumbull Campus established a Workforce Development and Continuing Studies Center in 1996. As partners in progress, the campus has provided technical training for over 4,000 employees, representing 33 companies since the Center began. The Center for Industrial Training and Education (CITE) was established in 1997 to provide hands-on laboratory experience for customized training programs, apprenticeship coursework, academic engineering courses and Tech Prep programs. The workforce development training programs include employee training, pre-employment training in partnership with the university, business and industry and local/state governments.

A Weekend College Program began in Spring 1998, leading to a B.S. Degree in Technology. Several Environmental Technology initiatives were in operation from 1999 to 2002; the establishment of the Center for Environmental Technology and Applied Research; a partnership between Kent Trumbull and the 910 Air Wing Aerial Spray Unit; and an environmental training program for the University at Tashkent in Uzbekistan.
The new millenium was brought in with the completion of two new facilities for the Trumbull Campus. The 68,000-square foot Technology Building was designed to support a variety of technology degree programs, including three new associate programs that began in the Fall of 2000 including Laboratory Technology, Plastics Manufacturing Engineering Technology and the High Technology Manufacturing Degree. The Workforce Development and Continuing Studies Center allowed for the expansion of programs and services available to the surrounding communities. The Center's program offerings include certification for professionals, workshops on business-related issues and personal enrichment classes.
Today, Kent State Trumbull spans 438 acres with three academic buildings occupying 246,500-square feet of space; in addition to a spectacular two-acre natural resource in Lake Anne. Kent State Trumbull is an open-admission campus of nearly 3,000 students, 134 full and part-time faculty, 50 administrative and support staff and a $12-million dollar annual operating budget. Programs are offered at the freshman and sophomore levels in 170 majors, along with 18 certificate and 15 associate degree programs, with junior/senior level course work for Baccalaureate degree completion in Nursing, Justice Studies, Technology, Business Management, English and General Studies. A Masters degree program in Technology is also available.
The campus is also home to the Ohio Basic Police Academy and a Corrections Training Facility. Kent State Trumbull is part of the eight-campus network of Kent State University, a Doctoral Research University-Extensive Institution.

Added by: sdonley on 01/20/2011 DB#:55


Stories are just that. Stories and personal accounts that have been reported about the location. This section could also contain research notes as well.

There was a cemetery on the Poorhouse farm property. It is now incorporated into the Trumbull Branch of Kent State University. There is a small lake with a very small island in the middle. Speculation is that the island contains the remains of the cemetery. Kent State doesn't acknowledge this idea.

Deceased inmates of the Poorhouse/Infirmary for most of the early years, did not have markers of any sort. This cemetery was used up to 1915, per Poorhouse records.

Added by: sdonley on 12/16/2024 DB#: 1582

Research into the Trumbull County Infirmary Farm

After some investigation, it is determined that the location of the Trumbull County Infirmary Farm is the same location as the Kent State Trumbull Campus.

The website lists the graveyard for the Infirmary to be located in the middle of Lake Anne that is behind the campus. This sparked off more research into the Infirmary.

At this time, we have not been able to find any information about the creation or closing of the facility on-line. We have several books about the history of Trumbull County and will be looking through them to see if anything can be found; however, several archived newspaper articles have been found stating some of the conditions of the facility.

Click on the articles below to find out some more information about the Trumbull County Infirmary Farm.

In this article, there is a report about an inmate that was left alone and not cared for by the staff. Western Reserve Chronicle - Warren, Ohio - Wed, Feb 24, 1869 - Page 2
In this article, there is a report about an inmate that was left alone and not cared for by the staff.
Western Reserve Chronicle - Warren, Ohio - Wed, Feb 24, 1869 - Page 2Click on the image to enlarge/zoom

An article talking about the status of the infirmiry. Western Reserve Chronicle - Warren, Ohio - Wed, Mar 10, 1869 - Page 2
An article talking about the status of the infirmiry.
Western Reserve Chronicle - Warren, Ohio - Wed, Mar 10, 1869 - Page 2Click on the image to enlarge/zoom

An article explain the inventory at the Trubull County Infirmary Farm. - Western Reserve Chronicle - Warren, Ohio - Wed, Dec 15, 1869 - Page 2
An article explain the inventory at the Trubull County Infirmary Farm. - Western Reserve Chronicle - Warren, Ohio - Wed, Dec 15, 1869 - Page 2Click on the image to enlarge/zoom

A letter to the editor - Western Reserve Chronicle - Warren, Ohio - Wed, Dec 22, 1869 - Page 2
A letter to the editor - Western Reserve Chronicle - Warren, Ohio - Wed, Dec 22, 1869 - Page 2Click on the image to enlarge/zoom

Added by: sdonley on 12/16/2024 DB#: 1583
Source(s): Various

Night workers on the campus hear all kinds of knocks and tapping noises. After checking everything in the building, checking for both people and mechanical problems, but could not find an explanation. A medium who was called in indicated that the campus had been built on what was formerly the grounds of a retirement home. The campus is haunted by those who passed away there. The noises heard could be tapping canes and walkers. The theater on campus is haunted by the apparition of a woman in blue. She is seen sitting outside the theater lobby. Some people have reported feelings of being watched and hearing footsteps.

Added by: sdonley on 01/20/2011 DB#: 1017

Paranormal Claims

Here are the paranormal claims for this location. These have been found through Internet research, reports from members, or reports from personal interviews. To add a claim, please contact, and we will review and add your information.

Claim # Added Added By Claim
1145 01/20/2011 sdonley Knocks and tapping noises are heard at night.
1146 01/20/2011 sdonley An apparition of a woman in blue has been seen sittng outside the theater lobby.
1147 01/20/2011 sdonley Some people have reported feelings of being watched and hearing footsteps.

Additional Resources

This is a collection of Internet resources for this location. This section will house links to other websites that contain information related to history, claims, investigations, or even the location's website.

Trumbull County Infirmary Farm Cemetery in Warren, Ohio - Find a Grave Cemetery
Added: 12/16/2024 By: sdonley
The Exact location of the Trumbull co. Ohio Poorhouse/Infirmary Cemetery is unknown. There was a cemetery on the Poorhouse farm property. It is now...
Directions & Maps of Trumbull Campus | Kent State University
Added: 12/16/2024 By: sdonley
Directions & Maps of Trumbull Campus Kent State Trumbull | Situated on over 400 acres, Kent State University at Trumbull is located just north of the Route 5 bypass on State Route 45 in Warren, OH. The campus is home to five buildings, occupying 246,500-square feet of space, in addition to a two-acre natural resource in Lake Anne. Kent State University at Trumbull 4314 Mahoning Avenue NW Warren, OH  44483
Campus History | Kent State University
Added: 12/16/2024 By: sdonley
Campus History Kent State Trumbull | Learn A Little More About Our Campus ...In 1954, Kent State University initiated a cadet program to help the community overcome a critical shortage of elementary teachers. Until the Fall of 1965, the University offered an evening program at Warren G. Harding High School, known as the Warren Academic Center.
Trumbull County Hauntings & Legends – Ohio Exploration Society
Added: 12/16/2024 By: sdonley
Origination of the paranormal reports at the campus.
Kent State Trumbull adding solar panels  | Kent State University
Added: 12/16/2024 By: sdonley
Kent State Trumbull adding solar panels  | Kent State Trumbull | Kent State University at Trumbull is one of six Kent State regional campuses adding solar panels this fall.
Kent State University Trumbull--Lake Anne - Trumbull, Ohio, US - Birding Hotspots
Added: 12/16/2024 By: sdonley
Information on Lake Anne

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