fairy - A broad term used to describe a large variety of supernatural creatures. Most fairy folklore originated in Britain, Ireland and Europe.
fakir - An Indian holy man who lives by begging and is said to possess magical powers.
familiar - In English witchcraft, spirits in the service of witches or magicians. Usually visible as, for example, a cat or dog.
fan death - The belief that sleeping in a closed room with a running electric fan can cause death.
Farm Ghost Photo
- Neil Sandbach took the picture of this ghost when photographing a farm for a client.
Farnam Manor
- In 1834, Everett Farnam built this magnificent Manor House for his bride. He and Emily raised 5 children here.
fascinate - The act of casting a spell or throwing the evil eye on a person.
Fawcett, Percy
- The story about the mysterious disapearance of a British archaeologist and explorer.
Feng shui - Chinese study of hidden forces and currents thought to be present in the earthly environment.
fetish - An object used to represent and create a bond with the spirit world. Common fetish objects include dolls, stones, animal teeth and claws.
Find A Grave - Millions of Cemetery Records

- Find A Grave is a free resource for finding the final resting places of famous folks, friends and family members. With millions of names, it's an invaluable tool for genealogist and history buffs. Find A Grave memorials are rich with content, including dates, photos and bios. You can even leave 'virtual flowers' on the memorials you visit to complete the online cemetery experience. Find A Grave also contains listings for thousands of celebrity graves, making it the premier online destination for tombstone tourists.
Findhorn - A spiritual community founded in 1962, in northern Scotland. The community garden was said to produce superior crops due to supernatural assistance.
Finding Big Foot
- Finding Bigfoot is a documentary television series that premiered on May 30, 2011, on Animal Planet.
Flaming Ship of Ocracoke
- Unfortunately for them, the captain of the ship was a former pirate. While he had had taken the "King's Oath", the treasure he saw was too much for him to pass up. After speaking with his crew, he conceived a plan to separate the German passengers from their wealth.
Flight 19 Disappearance
- Flight 19 was the designation of five TBM Avenger torpedo bombers that disappeared over the Bermuda Triangle on December 5, 1945 during a United States Navy overwater navigation training flight from Naval Air Station Fort Lauderdale, Florida. All 14 airmen on the flight were lost, as were all 13 crew members of a PBM Mariner flying boat assumed by professional investigators to have exploded in mid-air while searching for the flight. Navy investigators could not determine the cause of the loss of Flight 19 but said the aircraft may have become disoriented and ditched in rough seas after running out of fuel.
Flight 401 - Autopilot indicator
- Was the flight crew warned about the auto pilot being off?
Flight 401 - First Response
- Coast Guard helicopter 1376 arrives at the crash site.
Flight 401 - Flight Crew Fatal Photograph
- Here is something interesting that we discovered during our research.
Flight 401 - Flight Log
- Probably one of the most talked about crashes in aviation history; read the actual flight log cvr transcript of the crash and learn about the ghosts
Flight 401 - Possible Explanation
- Here is a possible explanation as to why Flight 401 just accidentally flew into the ground.
Flight 401 - Survivors and those who were lost
- A listing of those who survived and those who were lost.
Flight 401 Crash Site Hauntings
- Reports of haunting at the Flight 401 Crash Site.
Flight 401 Normal - Faulty Auto Pilot
- Although the crash was ruled pilot error, there were those who had testified that the auto pilot mechanism on these aircraft's could be disengaged by simply bumping the flight stick.
Flor do Mar
- The story about the Flor do Mar
flying rods - A phenomena in which mysterious rod-shaped objects appear in video footage or photographs.
Fords Theater
- In 1861 theatre manager John T. Ford leased out the abandoned First Baptist Church on Tenth Street to create Ford`s Theatre.
Forer effect - The tendency of people to interpret statements about personality traits as being accurate for them personally, even when they are not.
Forrest Fenn Hidden Treasure
- The Story of the Forrest Fenn Hidden Treasure
Fort Chaffee
- On September 9, 1941, construction started on Camp Chaffee. Then on December 7, 1941, the first soldiers arrive. Between 1943-1946 some 3,000 German prisoners of war encamped at Camp Chaffee. It was the home of the 5th Armored Division from 1948-1957.
Fort Ligonier Reserach Photos
- Photos by Shawn and Marianne Donley of PANICd.com from a visit to Squire's Castle on July 28, 2015.
Fort Niagara
- The history of Old Fort Niagara spans more than 300 years. During the colonial wars in North America a fort at the mouth of the Niagara River was vital, for it controlled access to the Great Lakes and the westward route to the heartland of the continent.
Fort, Charles
- Charles Fort (1874-1932) is perhaps the best known collector of paranormal anecdotes.
Fortean phenomena - An umbrella term to describe any paranormal phenomena. Named after researcher Charles Fort (1874-1932) who spent much of his life cataloguing such phenomena.
Fortean Times

- Fortean Times is a British monthly magazine devoted to the anomalous phenomena popularised by Charles Fort. Previously published by John Brown Publishing (from 1991 to 2001) and then I Feel Good Publishing (2001 to 2005), it is now published by Dennis Publishing Ltd. As of December 2012, its circulation was just over 16,000 copies per month. The magazine's tagline is "The World of Strange Phenomena".
Four Oaks - Christmas Haunting
- A haunting at Christmas
Fourteen Reasons to Believe Lizzie Murdered Her Parents
- The following list was compiled by a group of law students and lists 14 reasons why you should believe that Lizzie actually murdered her parents.
Franklin Castle
- The house was built in 1881 by architects Cudell and Richardson for Hannes Tiedemann, a German immigrant, and has a horrific past, as well as, some ghostly stories.
Franklin, Ben
- Sightings of Ben Franklin's Ghost are often reported at the American Philosophical Society in Philadelphia.
Franks Box Theory
- The Franks Box is also known as the telephone to the dead
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- Discover your family history. Explore the world-s largest collection of free family trees, genealogy records and resources.
Full Moon
- A full moon is the lunar phase that occurs when the Moon is completely illuminated as seen from the Earth. This occurs when the Moon is in opposition with the Sun. Since ancient times, full moons have been associated with odd or insane behavior, including sleepwalking, suicide, illegal activity, fits of violence and, of course, transforming into werewolves.